Miss Black Georgia USA 2010 Kimberly Jones


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Recruitment and Retention among African-American Students: Furthering Education

Greetings! On February 3, 2010 I was able to partake in one of the most gratifying experiences of my life! I ventured back to my high school alma mater, South Cobb High School, and spoke with 150 students about my journey in life and how they too can attain all of their goals. We engaged in a discussion, took pictures, and I even shed a few tears! I gave each of the students an index card when they entered the auditorium. I told them to write down where they want to be ten years from now on one side, gave my story, and then asked them to write down where they don't want to be ten years from now on the other side. I collected each of the cards. The students have excellent goals set, ranging from being an entrepreneur to doctors and lawyers (yeah!). Most students said they didn't want to find themselves being complacent or working in a position that wasn't satisfying for them or their families.

I gave out my business cards to the students. I've received emails from them, and have even been given the opportunity to serve as a mentor to one of the students, Brittany Ford! I'm currently assisting one of the students, Vincent Avery, on his journey to Howard University, and I even put one of the students in contact with a friend of mine who is well on her way to being an architect. I hope the students gained something because I learned so much from them. I can't wait to go back and visit them. Always remember... you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so go for it!